the good, the bad, the agony, the dad


rolling around on the floor and being cute (or is that called "working the camera"?)

Diva in training

Autumn and Jack having a rest


so ms. Autumn is moving right along with things. she's less than 3 months from her 3rd Birthday and we're already experiencing the "awful 3s" as we've been told they're dubbed. AR will launch into a whiny fit at the drop of a hat if she doesn't think she's getting her way or what she wants. Other than that though, she's a doll and always makes us smile (well, when mama's not frustrated) and has just an amazing sense of humour. She also has quite the vocabulary and is really using words and phrases she's picked up in the proper way. Okay, not all of them are necessarily welcomed by mama and daddy, but luckily we've been exceptionally good about watching what we say.

my fave so far is: mama tends to tell Autumn that she's making her insane. this usually happens when AR starts in on mama with the whining and fit throwing. the thing is, Autumn knows this and that doesn't help matters. so the other day during one of these "showdowns" mama walks into the kitchen while Autumn is on the sofa by me. As mama returns Autumn looks up at her and says "you un-sane mama!" sometimes I think Autumn is too smart for her own good. wait...I take that back. she IS too smart for her own good.

I just read earlier today the story from the AP about the funeral that was held in Wolong for Mao Mao the panda. Mao Mao was an older female panda that was tragically crushed during the earthquake. The head of Pandas International live here in the Denver area and had flown over to help and bring lots of supplies to the people and center. It was a very sad article to read especially when they talked about the gentleman who had cared for Mao Mao since she was little. He was in total agony over the loss. I almost sobbed up reading it. The center was severely damaged and according to the article, will have to be rebuilt/relocated in another area of Wolong because where it is now has been deemed unsafe. Luckily the rest of the pandas fared okay during the quake although there is a male that is still missing. It will take alot of time, money, and effort to get the center back on it's feet.

hmmm I mentioned the dad in the title of the post. OH! well Sunday is Father's day. this will be my 2nd one and one that I think will be more fun because of Autumn's age and where she is developmentally. She couldn't wait to give me her gift she picked out so I have that already...hehe.

she's getting better at riding her tricycle as well. she's finally getting the pedalling thing down (i think) and she still will lose some momentum and then start saying "it's too hard for me" but with alittle encouragement she gets going again.

well I'll post more later in the week. until's some more photos. :)


Mel said...

I think Autumn has a future in modeling. She sure does "work" the camera! I can't believe she is almost 3. Time goes by so fast.

Karyn said...

Hiya! Will we see you next month when we are in Denver? Let us know.

Meanwhile, Autumn is just too the photographs.

Check out the WanZhou site and let me know if you want to participate.

Karyn, Jim, Kai