'Gotcha!' a video by td

I put this together partly as a look back from Gotcha Day to recently, but also I submitted it to our agency to post on their website as part as their 'Red Thread' page. There, families who are currently in the long long wait can view videos submitted by recently returned families in the hopes that seeing the 'pot of gold at the end of the rainbow' will help ease the pain and frustration of the wait time until referral.

I used Vegas 5.0 and Pro-Tools M 7.3 to put it together. I wrote the music specifically for this project and for Autumn because I felt the need to try my hand at a somewhat traditional sound.

I hope you all enjoy....and to all our travel-mates: Happy 6 Month Gotcha Day!


Lisa~~ said...

Happy 6 months!! Such sweet memories and a great video. Love the music too. Hugs to all of you.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video. Thanks so much for sharing. We have a LID of 11/14/06 and the wait seems incredibly long. Your advice to "keep your eye on the prize" is priceless. We're considering switching to a different country at this point but any encouragement to stay the course (such as this video) is wonderful. Thanks!

Louanne said...

T&G- This is really awesome. Happy 6 months! I first followed you guys through RQ site and loved hearing about Autumn (and your witty commments). We received our referral this week and are so excited.

Keep your eyes on the prize is right! Thanks for sharing this.

Russ & Becki Carlson said...

What an awesome video and music, thanks for sharing. I followed your journey through RQ. We just celebrated our 6 month gotcha shortly before you did. You're right, the transformation is amazing!
Blessings to your beautiful family!

MJ & Nici said...

TG and family,

Thankyou for sharing your very special day! Your video was amazing and I loved the music! I followed your experience through RQ and I always remembered your saying "Keep the eye on the prize"! Well, you were right, hopefully in a few short weeks my Dh and I will be traveling to pick up our little one! Again, thankyou for sharing this moment in time!

PandJ_L said...

I first logged on to RQ around the same time you went to China. I followed your journey while you guys were there and I now and then check your blog to see what you are up to. With an LID of July 5/06 I have a huge headache from keeping an eye on the prize, but it is soooo worth it. Thank you for sharing this video, the music was beautiful, and a happy 6 months to you guys.
Patti (and Joël)

Anonymous said...


Great video...Gotcha's always bring a tear to my eye...it is so amazing isn't it? I frist saw you on RQ too and went to Shaanxi to meet my daughter in August 2006...Thanks for sharing.

Leslie in TN

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video right now as I have done something to my laptop that has disabled whatever it is that I need to see videos. Yes I am that smart! I have been lurking on your site for sometime now and always enjoy an Autumn update. She is beautiful and obviously very loved. I have enjoyed seeing you pop up on the RQ site these past few days. I always enjoyed your sense of humor. I have been meaning to tell you that your site has been a life saver for me. With a June 2006 LID it is nice to have something to remind me that there is eventually an end to the ever lengthening wait. Thanking you for letting us peek into your world.
P.S. I saved the post you did after your trip on what to pack. Thanks for the tips.

Jeff and Valerie said...

Fabulous video! You did a great job. Happy six months!

Truly Blessed said...

T -- GREAT job! Wow, I just love the music!

Happy 6 months (plus, now). AR is beautiful and simply radiates health and happiness.