toddlerdom and how it's never too late to learn.

'bubble-girlie' (i submitted this pic in a PC Photo contest...)

flower girl

happy Autumn!

going out to play

crouching daddy...not so hidden 'dragon'...

well it's been alittle while since I last wrote. shame on me. but I have an excuse...kind of. things have been alittle weird around here and busy. mostly it's been G and I learning how to do things we want to (and need to) around ms. Autumn's schedule. you know; by the time we all get home and have dinner, there's only a couple of hours to spend with AR before it's 'sleepy-time'.

I've found it more of a challenge than I thought in trying to fit in time to work on home-type things along with working on music...and not to forget keeping up with the photography side of things. Bedtime is typically between 8-8:30pm and after that is when G and I end up doing those things we need to or want to do. Some where in there we also try to have "us-time". We're both working this whole concept out. Autumn really does take centre stage in both our lives.

and that brings me to the little chicky-la-la herself. at 20months I observed that she has reached that level of toddlerdom that marks the beginning of when us first time parents (at no matter what age) realise that we must admit one thing: that regardless of what we believed...our parents WERE right and now the tables have turned against us. We are no longer the instigators and conspirators...we have become our parents in this chess match and that little pawn moving square by square closer to us isn't as sweet and innocent as she/he looks. Now begins the time we test our mettle and learn how to keep all those millions of frayed nerves from completely jumping out of our bodies.'s also a very incredibly fun time.

Some of the things I'm slowly learning:

teething really does suck. not only for the child but for the parents who get the full force of that little storm. luckily it does pass fairly quickly....until the next round.

"No!" no matter how cute the word sounds coming from your still "no" and they mean it.

the phrase "be careful what you wish for..." has siblings such as "be careful what you say..." "be careful how you act in public" "be careful to remember those bob and weave boxing moves when your child gets tired/hungry and cranky and decides that pinching and hitting is actually quite humourous..." and my fave..."be aware of where your camera and/or camcorder is at all times so you can capture that really fun stuff that happens like your child being a total goofball or throwing a full-on classic toddler temper-tantrum.." Oh, and one other thing is...forget actual 'vacation days' you're allowed from work. those days are really mostly reserved for your child's needs. whether it's because they're not feeling well or're not really going to get alot of vacation use from those vacation days.

I wouldn't trade any of this in for anything though. Just one look at my daughter reminds me of that.


Lisa~~ said...

Autumn is looking adorable!! Things here too take a lot longer to get finished or just never get done, for the same reason...all of life revolves around the little princess.

Truly Blessed said... forgot to mention G's first official Mother's Day...I'm sure you meant to!

AR is lovely and so beautiful. You're doing all the right things centering your lives around her now. Before you know it, she'll be grown up and won't want to spend every waking minute making sure you're both watching her. Alas, I have lived through it and know that this is true.

Keep up the good work, post when you can. We'll be here checking for news!

Jeff and Valerie said...

My gosh she is cute. What a little sweetheart. I find it hard to believe that she pinches. Not that cute face.

We are too trying to figure out the balance and shuffle of our little sweetie.