action-packed week of whoa...

this ref sucks...

all you ever do is talk talk...

So things were just going and going this past week. First, we took AR to the Zoo on Sunday morning. We got there alittle bit after they opened (yup, it was still pretty crowded), and Autumn did great. She pretty much stayed in the stroller snacking and drinking water and looking at the animals. She loved it. After awhile it started getting hot and she started getting a little cranky. Then she started getting tired and rubbing her eyes...well which then got sunscreen in them. That's when the crying started and we ended up heading home. We didn't get many photos of her at the zoo since she stayed in the stroller. It was great fun though for the most part and we did end up spending some time outside later on that day. Monday morning I left for N.C. for a training at a company that deals (i.e. makes) fibre optic cables and pieces parts that go with it. Mom and AR had a good time...Autumn said a big 'ol "mommy" for Mommy on Tuesday...she started trying to say "car" as in "let's get in the car and go...time to go in the car...". Oh, and yes she did miss her daddy and gave me a big ol hug and kiss when I got home Wednesday night. She definitely is trying to say more words now. She's learned how to say "no"...mostly "nah" with a head shake but she has the concept figured out. Thursday and today both she was very matter-of-fact with trying to say some things. She's getting so close to busting out with a bigger vocabulary...

The one thing that is totally cracking me up but at the same time amazing me and mommy is that Autumn loves...LOVES...i mean LOVES tea. G gets the 24oz bottles of green tea and white tea and Autumn just is addicted to it. G let her have a sip one time a week or so ago and she loved it. Now when she sees mommy with a bottle of it she wants it. The funny thing is that she has now mastered the art of grabbing the bottle with one hand...but usually she used two...tilts the bottle up and starts drinking like we do. She'll then try putting the cap back on...then take it off and drink some more. She hasn't quite got the screwing the cap on and off thing figured out but I'm sure that will come soon.

till next time...


Lisa~~ said...

Sounds like all is going well, cute piccies, love the little pigtails. Thanks for the update.

Jeff and Valerie said...

What a cutie in pigtails. Adorable! We can't wait to go the zoo. Funny about the green tea. We may have to try that in Malia's sippy cup. I did give Malia a sip of sprite and boy did her eyes light up.

Thanks for posting the fabulous pigtail photos. She is beautiful!

Truly Blessed said...

Katie loves iced green tea as well.

Love the pigtails! What an adorable little sweetie!