and i think to myself...

So here I sit on a Friday night...Autumn's in bed...wife's working on something on her notebook...and I'm giving my brain and ProTools a small rest.

This has been needless to say an interesting if not sad week. First of all, as everyone knows, someone lost their conscience and their soul...needlessly taking the lives of many people including himself. I'm not going to get all philisophical and preachy here, but the thing that is the most striking about this particular incident is that it really is, at the core, no different than many past senseless acts carried out by individuals who's background and lives kind of mirror each other.

Today was the observance of the eight year since Columbine. The OKC bombing was observed yesterday the 19th. The Waco tragedy happened in April several several years ago. April it seems, has not been a good month for the human race lately. In fact the most freaky, shocking, and unimaginable thing I discovered this week in conjunction with the VT shootings was that there was a girl a building not far from the second more devastating group of shootings, that was a freshman at Columbine H.S. and fled the cafeteria but not moments before Harris and Klebold arrived and continued their murders. I can not imagine the horror and disbelief this young woman must have felt that day...having something so horrible as Columbine happen to her again eight years later. Granted, she was not immediately in harm's way, but the very fact that she was there and had to face the emotions and fears as she did that day in 1999...I just can't begin to imagine.

We all probably have at sometime wondered what kind of world we are raising our children in...looking at their sweet innocent faces wondering what the future holds and hoping like hell that they never have to go through anything remotely like that. But then as the article about this girl continued to state...she inevitably turned to her fellow students and helped them work through their fears and emotions, drawing on her experiences and maturity since that day at Columbine. It's at this point that one realises that regardless of the evil things that happen...hope, love, family, and friendship will always prevail and go on.

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