more snow and cold...AR does some neat stuff...and one of the more not so good days we've had

so yeah, more snow yesterday (thursday) and bitter cold throughout today and into tomorrow.

we're soooo ready for spring-time. Phil the Groundhog didn't see his shadow today...which is funny because he always does since they shine so many lights on him when they do their little hoopla. I figure everyone's been tired of this wacky winter we've had so far around the country so they either turned him in such a way that he just couldn't see his shadow...or they called up Phil's cousin Guido in the Bronx to pay him a visit and discuss the whole "what will happen if we get 6 more weeks of winter" issue.

Yesterday wasn't such a good day for us however...snow and cold or not. We went to the Social Security office to apply for AR's card/number. We went to one on the other side of town because it was supposed to go faster and easier. Someone (me) forgot to bring the actual Citizen Certificate instead of the copy so we couldn't do anything. We went to the county sheriff's office to get fingerprinted in order to send that to the CBI...something which is required of us for this post-adoption petition mess. (yes I think it's a mess how they have it set up). I don't carry alot of cash with me typically and so after paying for an hour's worth of parking I didn't have hardly any money. Unbeknownst to us we needed to pay the county sheriff's office for using the fingerprint cards we were given by our agency along with the actually procedure of fingerprinting. Stupid thing was that they weren't "taking credit or debit cards at this time". The only other option was cash...which would have been great if the ATM in their lobby was working. So that was a wasted trip as well. I don't understand why the CBI can't do the fingerprinting when it's them that needs the prints in the first place. You'd think they had the ability to do this. I also would've thought it'd be even easier for them to just get ahold of the USCIS and get our fingerprints...but apparently there's this thing about the federal and state government agencies not playing nice with each other or something...who knows.

anyway...ranting and venting there. Needless-to-say...guess I'll be making another trip Monday to the Social Security office and G and I will have to work out a time to go do the fingerprints.

AR update: with alittle help and guidance from Dad, Autumn ate a third of her little bowl of chicky-schnoodle soup by herself with her spoon. I put her hand on the spoon the way she needed to hold it and held her hand and spoon and fed her for a few times. Then, Autumn decided that she wanted to try it out on her own and sure enough she did. Of course once she really figures it all out and starts wanting to feed herself...table, clothing, and flooring will all experience whatever AR is eating at the time.

Good Times....

1 comment:

Truly Blessed said...

Self-feeding!! Lucky doggies!

Too bad about your fingerprint/SS experience. Not a good time, I think!

Hope you have a GREAT weekend, go play in the snow!