Be It Known that...

"Autumn Rose ChunLan...having applied to the Director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a certificate of citizenship pursuant to Section 341 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, having proved to the satisfaction of the Director, that she is now a citizen of the United States of America, became a citizen thereof on December 21, 2006 and is now in the United States:

Now Therefore, in pursuance of the authority contained in Section 341 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, this certificate of citizenship is issued this 11th day of January 2007, and the seal of the Department of Homeland Security affixed pursuant to statute."

We received the certificate in the mail today and feel that another milestone in this remarkable journey has been reached. :)

1 comment:

Jeff and Valerie said...

Congratulations! Sure looks like things are going great.

AR is a cutie-pie!

We are hoping for some warm weather!