add sugar and spicy-girl; mix together with wicked sense of humour and look out...

First, here's ms Autumn in her easter dress daddy got for her. After I tried to get her to stand still long enough for some quick photos with a neutral background and having her do the "stand here?" and then run to another spot...I finally fired of a few continuous shots while she spontaneously did something along the lines of modeling poses mixed with spicy-girl toddler-ness. Either way, she helped daddy get some great shots!
So, genetics aside, our daughter seems to have her own wicked little sense of humour...well, her sense of humour mixed in with what she's taken in of her mama and baba's. G and I both have pretty good senses of humour. G's is more silly and off the wall where mine I would say (and have been told) is a more wry variety. I have found that this all makes for one spice-ily funny two and a half year old. Here are a few examples:

*G and I have done the apparently typical "kiss it and make it feel better" parenting thing when it comes to owwies. Autumn has used this obviously to her advantage as such when she bumps her head or falls down or something. this involves her head, fingers, elbows, knees, and typical owwie places for kids. she'll go: "owwie! (sob sob whine...) mama kiss it please!" you get the idea. So the other night after frustrating mama by running back and forth from the potty saying she needs to go/doesn't need to go for about three times, she comes running out of the bathroom and steps the wrong way on her foam mat on the floor. BOOM down she goes on her backend. Here comes the pseudo-whining and I say, "awww you're okay sweetie".
Autumn gets up...looks me straight in the eye...produces a very mischievous and knowing grin...and says..."daddy, kiss butt!"

*Autumn has decided she gets to drive. The past few days her game has been when we go out somewhere she goes up to the driver's door of G's car or mine depending on what we're taking, and yells out "Autumn's driving!" I procede to tell her "noooo, Autumn's not driving (for another 12-13 years thank you very much.) and you have a great car seat in the back." "no Daddy, Autumn's driving! mama sit in back seat with daddy!" all this time she has that grin on her face. Once I picked her up and told her okay she could drive but she can do it from her special Autumn driving seat as I properly deposit her in her car seat to buckle her in. She doesn't buy that of course, and I get the "daddy sit in car seat and Autumn driving!" with that little grin.

*Autumn has had mama rub her tummy to supposedly help her fall asleep. Not that this works, but who knows, maybe it does relax her alittle bit. Introduce the song 'If You're Happy and You Know It..' which ms. Autumn loves to sing, especially with her "sing doggie" toy that sings and teaches the alphabet, etc. The other night G comes out of AR's bedroom after the little chickie has fallen asleep. She doesn't just come out of AR's room, she comes out with her hand over her mouth and trying not to laugh out loud. I ask her what was going on and G procedes to tell me that Autumn decided to sing to mama "if you're happy and you know it rub Autumn's tummy." I asked, "she sang that to you?" "oh yes, just out of the blue...all by herself!"

she cracks me up!


Lisa~~ said...

Cute piccies and what a funny little girl. Don't they just crack you up all the time.

Anonymous said...

Autumn you and your Baba have been tagged! Come and visit Lily ( a fellow Wanzhou girl) and her Mama at www.roguequeen.wordpress to see what I mean.

Mel said...

She looks just beautiful in her Easter dress. It is always interesting trying to get pictures of these spicy girls:)

Jeff and Valerie said...

Oooohh I do miss her. She was such a little buddy at the aquarium. Cute photos and beautiful dress!