a return to calm mornings

in the great tradition of rock and roll musicians ;)

fall colours from our backyard

Something around a month or so ago, it was time for ms. Autumn to move from one class at day-care (where she absolutely loved the three girls who oversee the class) to the 2-3yr olds class. Autumn's been in the potty training stage for alittle bit now and along with that and being bored it seems, she was ready to make the move. Always when there's something new and different from the norm...the routine...there's a bit of a step back and of course fussiness. This event was no exception. It didn't help that the woman who oversees the 2-3yr class doesn't quite have the same bubbly outgoing personality as the other girls do....and Autumn definitely knew that. She really didn't want anything to do with this woman so of course dropping her off at day-care meant leaving her in tears and throwing a fit. Come to find out she only did this for a few minutes longer after we left and then was fine...but she definitely was letting us know she wasn't quite happy with what had happened. Not that nobody, including ourselves, tried to prepare her mind you. Autumn just really knows how to let us know what she thinks and how she feels about things going on in her world.

So now after a few weeks and some time with some new 'classmates' along with a couple of other girls around her age that moved up into that class soon after, Autumn has figured out that everything's cool and she's figured out that the woman in her class isn't all that bad. In fact she's finally taken to her a bit. And now that Autumn's been in her class, the "teacher" has kind of taken to Autumn and has relayed in her daily reports how great Autumn's been and commented on how helpful and personable she is. Needless to say, dropping her off in the mornings since last week has been nice again. A return to calm mornings...no fussing really, and no tantrums. This makes mom and daddy happy and alittle less stressed. :)

ms. Autumn has also really been coming along with things again. She's now (with the help of mom, daddy, and her Elmo DVDs...) figured out counting to 3. This doesn't necessarily come out everytime, but she does know 1,2,3 and even tonight while her and I were colouring and playing with her sticker/activity book, I pointed out a page where counting is involved and I told her "ohh look numbers...they're counting...1..." and Autumn confidently says "1..2..3.." (the three not quite having a solid 'r' pronounciation). She's been working on pointing out colours to us as well. She knows the basic ones I believe but is obviously still trying to sort it all out. Green happens to be the default colour at the moment but when we mention that the item being pointed out is not green we get the "oh...ummm..." and the furrowed brows as she's rethinking her colours. It's definitely cute and I'm impressed...especially that between daycare and the time we spend with her at home she's figuring things out as well (and sometimes quickly) as she is.

The opposite side of the spectrum is that she just does not want to go to sleep. She'll go 'night-night' but to her that doesn't mean laying down and going to sleep right away. She wants mom to stay in her room with her for a bit. She eventually falls asleep but will typically wake in the middle of the night. She definitely seems like more of a night-owl too. I think mom and daddy starts getting tired and ready to go to sleep before ms. Autumn does. And if you think that the little chicky-la-la sleeps in on the weekends...think again. She's awake by 6am and ready to start the day. (unlike her daddy).

Finally I figure I'll share G and I's new little song we sing. Since Autumn's become a huge Elmo fan it was just a matter of alittle thinking on our part. So we sing to her our version of the Elmo's World theme...and she will "la la" along with us.
"la la la la...la la la la...Autumn's World. la la la la...la la la la...Autumn's World. Autumn loves her mom and her daddy too....that's Autumn's World!"


Jeff and Valerie said...

So glad to hear mornings are better. It is so hard to leave them crying. As I now work at Malia's preschool, I can say that 99% of the time, kids stop crying about 2 minutes after mom and dad leave.

I like how she counts to three and that green is her latest default color! Very cute.

So I hope she begins to fall asleep quicker, stay asleep all night and also learns to sleep in VERY SOON!!!!! :)

AmyO said...

Congrats on 1 year. She is so cute! Best wishes :)