the flower girl blossoms alittle bit more...

this is how they PPPBBBRRRTTT in ChongQing

'sketti' meditation

Autumn Rose ChunLan (spring orchid) is definitely a 'flower girl'. well, she's definitely a ChongQing 'Spicy Girl' first and foremost (mom and dad experience this everyday...hehe), but she loves flowers and is a total girlie-girl. This past weekend the flower girlie blossomed alittle more.
Over this past weekend, my parents came to visit. It was only the second time since we've been home that they've been up to spend time with her. We hung out around the house, went shopping, went to our agency's reunion/picnic, went out more, she spent time with both sets of grandparents and her was a very "packed" time for ms. Autumn.
We watched as she became more and more interactive with my parents. We watched and listened as she said more words, put together some words, and being more animated as she spoke them. G said to me Tuesday morning as we drove in to work and dropping AR off at daycare..."it kind of makes me sad to take her back to daycare because it seems she progressed more in 4 or 5 days than she has in months." Obviously having everyone around, talking, and interacting with her had alot to do with that. But G had a point.

My favourite words/moments were these: I'm putting her shoes on one evening, a Wendy's commercial comes on the t.v. and "triple cheeseburger" is spoken by the narrator. Autumn already can say 'cheese' (she loves eating the pull apart cheese) but all of a sudden she says "cheese burbur". I repeat to her 'cheeseburger' and "burbur" is said back to me. We repeat this a few more times. "Burbur" it is. :)
...we're all having a dinner together; both sets of grandparents and some other relatives, when AR reaches for a bottle of green tea I've set just out of reach. She gets into the whole "whine" and reach thing. I look at her and ask her to please say what she wants. After giggling she finally leans forward to me with a smile and a soft voice "teeeeaaaa" like it was a secret password.
...G and I both have iPods, but have never messed with them in front of Autumn. my sister brings hers one day and is showing us photos she has on it. Autumn reaches for it and my sister allows her to hold it. Next thing we all know she's sitting there using the 'dial' as if she's done it a few times before and going through all the pictures, stopping to go "ohhhh" and "oooo" and the occasional "dog!" when she's on a photo of my sister's dog. Then of course she has learned to say the dog's name which she easily offers up to us as well. My dad was in disbelief as he sat and watched.
...wondering if she'd be scared by the performance of the Lion Dance at our agency's reunion, I was relieved and amazed by her jumping up and down and dancing during the entire thing. My sister got her just about front row for it and while some of the other little girls (and boys) cried and got scared as the Dragon and Lion came close to them, Autumn just ate it up and enjoyed it. She still almost a week later will see pictures I took of the Lion Dance and wiggle and want the drums and gongs to be playing. :)

we sat the other day and realised that in just alittle over two months she'll turn 2 years old. I can't wait until we take her in for her check-up and see how much she's grown taller and how much she weighs because she definitely seems like she's grown alot from the little chicky we brought home 6 months ago. I can't wait to see how much she grows emotionally and developmentally as a 2yr old...knowing her, both of us will be on our toes and trying to keep up with her like we have been the past few months. We both are just enjoying her so much.


Karyn said...


The photos are great and from the narrative it sounds like she is blossoming with the intensity of the Tidal Basin Cherry Trees!

It is an amazing ride.

Karyn, Jim, Kai

Jeff and Valerie said...

My gosh what cute little stories! After hearing from you that AR liked green tea, we gave Malia a little bit. She LOVED it and boy did it help with getting her used to the sippy cup! Thanks for the tip!

I sent you an email! Hope you all are enjoying summer life!


Jeff and Valerie said...

Oh and cute photos too ... but you are aware of that.