family time

lemme outta here daddy I've got flowers to take care of!

There's nothing more exciting when family gets together (for good or bad). My parents are on their way up to visit and we'll have, for only the second time since we got back with AR, both sets of grandparents together with their granddaughter. The last time my parents were here was late January so Autumn was only with us over a month and still not 100% sure what was going on, barely walking, and barely doing a whole lot except being really cute.
I've "warned" my parents that Autumn is definitely not the same little girl that they remember seeing and is totally into toddlerdom it's not funny. Of course they're incredibly excited to spend time with her and throw in our agency's National Reunion Picnic, should make for a wonderful time.
I can't wait myself actually. and I plan on taking lots of photos. :)


Karyn said...

We hope you have a wonderful visit with your families and enjoy the festivities at reunion.

Karyn, Jim, Kai

Jeff and Valerie said...

Oh my she just gets cuter and cuter. How can you stand it? Hope your visit is fun with both G & G's. Sounds like fun.

Jeff said he saw you all at the reunion and all looked great!