17months old

Today Feb 4th 2007 AR turned 17months old. I think back to when I first saw her referral photos...studying that serious, furrowed-brow face...realising she was 8months old at the time they were taken. I think back almost 2months ago now to our Gotcha Day and recall how she was. I also think about how things were when we finally got home with her and how she reacted to everything.

I look back at how she was this evening with friends and family over watching the Super Bowl...how she smiled and had a good time...how she enjoyed everyone's attention and loved spending time with us all.

I know 17months isn't necessarily a big deal...next month's the 'year and a half' observance; but all thing's considered...especially how well she's just about "caught up" developmentally to her age in just a few weeks, I just have to say:

You've come a long way, baby! :) G and I have truly been blessed.


Anonymous said...

Wow, 17 months old, congratulations AR!

T and G -- It's so much fun to watch the sense of empowerment on their little faces when they realize they can walk on their own. Completely priceless, and the first of many firsts to come. You must be very proud.

I have always wondered where the "move it, move it" song comes from. My daughter M used to sing it and must have heard/seen it at her old day care (she's in pre-school now).

T - Thanks again for the words of encouragement re: the wait. I am still having difficulty with it lately, but the days go by nevertheless and each day, we are another one closer. Found another Magic 8-Ball, this one with better answers than the previous 2. ;o)

That's all for now,

Truly Blessed said...

Amazing, isn't it? How far these precious children come, both literally and figureatively once they meet their forever families...

AR is absolutely precious. Happy 17 months to you!

By the way, I am Truly Blessed, too!