with everything, turn turn turn...

and so our calendar turns from '06 to 2007. this is just crazy I tell you. Father Time must have taken some funny white pill (or blue one...hehe) because he definitely was excited to get to this new year.

So Happy New Year! (love the scene from Hong Kong when we were there...)

My wish for everyone who's read our little blog here...visited our website...or who's been on RQ the past year is that 2007 brings wonderful things. CNY this time is the Year of the Pig. I haven't read up on the Pig lately...Autumn and myself are Roosters and G is a Horse (of course of course), so I'm not sure what the deal is, but the people in China seemed excited about it.

I wish wonderful things for China in this new year as well. I have to take a moment to say that being there made me appreciate what we have here so much more, but yet at the same time made me excited to see how much was going on with China and it's people. They are wonderful people and it's so cool to see the progress and developement that is going on and that will continue to go on.

My AR report for this time is that she continues to "blossom" (she is a flower child after all, come on!) each day. This evening she walked a bit on her own. You read that right. Just not but three days ago she had finally decided she was comfortable enough to crawl around her house and explore (and worry the dogs at the same time) so what happened tonight was a complete shock. We were at G's dad's house and her one brother, wife and two girls (teen and tween) were over for the weekend. At some point she ended up taking a couple of steps from G to one of the girls. Everyone made a big deal about it. I didn't see it...well, I was in the back of the room and saw her move but didn't know it was on her own. Soon she was walking between us all with anywhere from 3 to 5 feet distance. Okay...so walking consisted of looking like a miniature Frankenstein: legs apart and doing their thing while the arms were straight out and up a bit for balance. It was adorable and wonderful to see. And Autumn was excited about being able to do it as well which helps. She crashed a couple of times, but laughed and smiled the whole time.

She continues to amaze and intrigue me and I feel we've been so blessed. Oh, and I just know that once AR decides to try out the walking thing here at the house and starts to get the hang of it, the dogs- who with the crawling Autumn could get out of the way with no worries, are going to be like "Oh Sh*t!". I better make sure I have camera and camcorder handy at all times. :)


Mom 2 my boys said...

I have followed your wait at the RQ site and enjoyed your humor and insight. We miss you over there! Stop in some time! AR is gorgeous and I am so happy to see your family together for the New Year. What a time you will have! Congrats on becoming a family of THREE!


Beth and Shayna said...

Welcome home. I am not sure if you remember me, but I emailed you before you left for China. Your daughter is just adorable, BTW. Anyway, I am friend with your travel mate, Karyn (her son is Kai). Anyway, last time I wrote I mentioned I started a play group for CCAI families and we live all over the city. Your daugther and my daughter are the same age and it would be great if you would like to join our group. We have playdates once a month and there are lots of girls who were born between July-November 2005. Please email me at betheescobar@yahoo.com if you are interested.

And again, welcome home.