just a thought...

Apparently there was a point in the Paula Zahn show on CNN yesterday where they discussed China adoption. I didn't see it, and only found out about it through the RQ website. After reading the transcripts on CNN.com I was thoroughly disgusted and sad. What initially started off as probably being a piece about China's slight change &/or enforcement of policy turned into basically racist slander and defamation of parents who adopt internationally.

I myself am not a perfect being. I have my faults but also have good things about me. Sometimes I look around at people, read things in magazines and papers, hear stories on T.V., etc and wonder where the human race is headed. I think (as well as G sometimes) that people are doomed to destroy one another and themselves...taking what ever's around them with them. I don't think this all the time, don't get me wrong, but sometimes after something like what I read in those transcripts of the Paula Zahn show I just can't help but to wonder. I firmly believe that racism in this country particularly will never die because there are people out there (media, ACLU, etc) who perpetuate it every day. If a racist angle to a story or event can be created there are people who will do it. Why? I don't know...fame, notariety, the thrill of debate and confrontation, etc. ???

At some point you have to wonder why people bring children into this world...or in our case, adopt a child into our family to raise and love when there is so much ugliness around.

And then I think of one thing. Hope. Hope that this beautiful little girl will grow up and some how... some way make a difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been looking at your site for some time now. Your daughter is beautiful. Thank you for your view point. You took the words right out of my mouth. I guess I am niave enough to not have a clue that people thought that way. Still slightly in shock.
Tressa LID 9-19-06